New Zealand was placed into Level four lockdown in late March. This event would have seemed completely unprecedented at the the beginning of the year. But as is the job of a teacher it was a time in which we had to be adaptable.
What we had
We were in a fortunate position to already have a class site. As a beginning teacher I felt fortunate to have this prior to lockdown. The first few weeks of Term One were spent learning how to make the site accessible to the students and how I could use it in day to day classroom life. This time has proven to be vital as the site is now our gateway to learning and part of every day classroom life. Having anticipated the possibility of online learning our students had been talked through the sites that they would need to access. This included our classroom site, the blog as well as additional online learning sites.
What we created
We were fortunate to have a great base to begin online learning and one that the students were familiar with. We became Youtubers within our own homes creating videos and Screencastifys to teach our children virtually. We adapted our practice to create online lessons that our students could access through the class site. Google Meet became our new way to touch base with students daily and the amount of professional learning that occurred in this time was immense. It was a time in which I gained a variety of skills that I believe will benefit my class in the future.
What we learnt
Never before has learning drastically shifted to an online format in this way. The first week was a time to establish what worked for our students and what did not. I was also able to establish the expectations that I had for my students and myself. I think that what I learnt was the importance of being realistic. The happiness of my students is the main priority and sometimes a bike ride and some baking will impact them more positively. Some students found the routine of online learning stimulating and familiar. I found myself receiving work left, right and centre. This was where the blog was highly beneficial. I was able to direct my students to one place where all of their learning would go. In a time where we might feel distant, it was also a wonderful way to share our learning together. Students have the opportunity to comment on each others work as well as whanau and support staff. The format for commenting of positive, thoughtful and helpful has meant that i'm able to give students next steps for their work. The blog has been a significant and highly useful tool as we learn online.
How we will move forward
People are life long learners and lockdown level four has been a true testament to that. As we continue online learning and as we progress down the levels it is undeniable that further learning curves will occur. I am feeling positive about the learning journey so far and looking forward to seeing the growth in my students and my professional learning over the coming months.